Veri Digital Solutions

5 Reasons You Should Consider Digitisation.

The old adage, it’s not done until you have it written down, is more apt now than ever. We are accountable for every action and must be able to produce the records to prove that […]

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Is Your Company Ready for the 4th Industrial Revolution?

In the September issue of IITD’s online publication TD I read an article. The article was about an event exploring digital talent trends by Robert Farrell. In the article he speaks about the 4th industrial […]

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Data Collection has Improved my Performance

“I am a runner because I run. Not because I run fast, not because I run far. I am a runner because I say I am and no one can tell me I’m not” John […]

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TD Magazine Featuring Ann-Marie McSorley

The Irish Institute of Training and Development have a digital magazine that’s published three times a year. It’s an invaluable resource for the profession. The latest issues the industry faces are always addressed along with […]

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I upgraded my personal UI.

6 years ago I moved to Ireland from my native Belarus. After a couple of days shopping in Dublin’s Stephen’s Green and Ikea, I explored the medieval beauty of my new hometown. I needed to […]

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Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

 It is amazing how your professional life seeps into your thoughts when you least expect it. I see so many places where the software that I work on daily could save people time and money. […]

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How to join movement to a better planet…. and to a better profit and loss.

This week we have read about wildfires in Brazil, single use plastics and the ecological impact of doing nothing. As our children head back to their schools, these millennials are fully aware of the need […]

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Digital DNA

Decrypting Digital DNA

“It has been a fantastic showcase of innovation, entrepreneurship and all the great things happening across the city.” – Simon Bailie CEO of @DigitalDNAHQ. Cyber security, drones, AI, social media influencers, data digitisation  – all things tech in […]

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IITD Cork Ann Marie McSorley

IITD 2019 Best Practice Case Studies

The Irish Institute of Training and Development 2019 National Training Awards have been and gone, but the learning continues with the first of the Best Practice Case Studies taking place this week in Cork.   Fioru […]

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