International Women’s Day with Inspiring Women

On the 21st of January the 12th cycle of Going for Growth got underway in Dublin. The initiative is designed to go beyond helping women set up businesses and to actively encourage growth in their […]

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We Clarified what QQI expect in the QBS Process.

“Reporting is stressful” (Any Training Company Administrator) It’s QBS time and every company that provides QQI training is stressed at the moment. They are knee deep uploading student certification data for further validation and the […]

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Did you copy and paste today?

The world of computer science is not exactly glamorous. There are not many household names in the field. The work is mostly taken for granted and the average computer user never questions how the processes […]

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IITD Best Consultancy Partnership 2019; A Case Study

The IITD National Training Awards is recognised as the premier Learning & Development event for industry. This case study shows how Impact Training and Veri went on to win Best Consultancy Partnership 2019 Challenge: Impact […]

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Can Data win Elections?

In 2018 Cambridge Analytica became a talking point around the world, for all the wrong reasons. A former employee confirmed what had been suspected. Cambridge Analytica misappropriated data and used this information to influence voting […]

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New Decade, New Decision- Making a VERI small difference to the carbon footprint in training.

Yesterday at the Pendulum Summit, a hero of mine management guru Stephen Covey expressed the need for agility for change in business in the new data driven world. His analogy was that it would no […]

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Managing your Christmas Quality System

 ”A quality management system is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing their satisfaction.” At this time of year, we at Veri believe everyone could benefit from checking our […]

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Compliance Software

Ireland Tops the List for Integration of Technology in Business

A recent Veri article, 5 Reasons You Should Consider Digitisation, discussed the many benefits of going digital for business; from data accessibility to cost efficiency, the argument is undoubtedly persuasive.  It is becoming increasingly clear […]

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Marijan Gradecak Chief Software Engineer at Veri Software Solutions.

The Importance of Data in Reliability

As is the nature of startups, my job here at Veri involves many different disciplines on a daily basis. One such discipline is Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). SRE incorporates various aspects of software engineering and […]

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