
We Clarified what QQI expect in the QBS Process.

Category : Blog, Eugena Valadkevich

“Reporting is stressful”
(Any Training Company Administrator)

It’s QBS time and every company that provides QQI training is stressed at the moment. They are knee deep uploading student certification data for further validation and the issuing of certificates by the state agency.
As you already know Veri is a quality assurance software that helps training providers with programme benchmarking, course delivery tracking and QA compliance. On top of  that we can reduce your stress level and digitise your QBS upload too.
At the beginning of February we had a meeting at QQI office in Dublin. We discussed the Veri Quality Assurance Dashboard and Report Automation. The aim was making sure that we have a clear understanding of the process from both sides. We want to define what providers should do on the system and what QQI wants to see on their side of the QBS dashboard.
Our Customer Success Manager, Eugena was welcomed and spent some time with the QBS support team asking many questions and discussing all issues that occur with Veri customers when it comes to the data upload process:

  • What is the required data format for automated upload?
  • What to do if some data is missing (can I upload partial data)?
  • Can I check my file before uploading to QBS?
  • What is data duplication?
  • How can I collect personal data from my students on the course?
  • How to build your learner group data file
  • Where can I find Certification Guidance?

Eugena reported a clear message from the meeting:

 nobody likes paperwork and manual upload. 

State Agency administrators are showing full support and welcoming the approach for those providers who upload their certification data automatically. As a team, thanks to Eugena’s feedback, we have improved our knowledge and expertise in the area of QBS upload. We are enthusiastic to be able to support our existing clients and to educate new clients on how to simplify this process. 

[av_button label=’More Information’ link=’manually,https://share.hsforms.com/1BxKaeVJxQ_uo7lHoENQTUQ30bps’ link_target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ position=’left’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-24x5xc’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”]