
Picture by Shane O’Neill, SON Photographic
On Monday March 12th, the H1 2018 cycle of the Google Adopt a Startup program was launched at Google Ireland HQ in Barrow Street, Dublin. Veri, as the most recent H2 winner in 2017, was invited along to come on stage and make a presentation to the 30 new hopefuls and briefly outline our experience of the program.
Our CTO, Shane Barron, gave a 15 minute presentation and introduced Veri to companies such as Equine Medi Record and local Wexford company Abodoo.
The presentation outlined what Veri learned on their journey in 2017 and how companies could get the most out of the program.
After the presentation each of the 30 startup companies gave a brief introduction to themselves and what they hopped to gain from the Adopt a Startup program in 2018